Friday, March 10, 2017

Health Canada talks of opening up 'black box of medicines' safety'

CBC | Health News
Matthew Herder

Canadians could be a step closer to being able to access sensitive information about the safety of drugs and medical devices.

Dr. Ronald Cohn, Chief of Pediatrics, Sick Kids Hospital

The passage of the Genetic Non-Discrimination Act means patients wary of genetic testing who held off getting tested for certain inheritable diseases will no longer have to be worried about the results of such tests being disclosed to employers or insurers.

Dr. Mike Kirlew

In Wapekeka First Nation, two 12-year-old girls took their lives in January of this year. The Current speaks to their doctor, Mike Kirlew — a tireless advocate for improved health, and mental health care in First Nations communities.

Question Period 20170310

​The federal government has completed deals with Ontario, Quebec and Alberta, leaving Manitoba as the only province not to accept Ottawa's offer of funding for mental health and homecare.

ABC News: Health
President Donald Trump announced Friday that has chosen a conservative doctor-turned-pundit with deep ties to Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry to lead the powerful Food and Drug Administration
Days after his wife's death, a Kentucky man is accused of walking into the office of a naturopathic caregiver and firing a handgun, killing the man he blamed for worsening his spouse's cancer with treatments that were guaranteed to cure her
Doctors and hospital groups voice opposition to new plan.
ESPN's Mike Golic sits down with ABC News' Aaron Katersky to discuss the importance of family in managing type 2 diabetes
Susan and Jerry Stros, who have been married for 51 years, were both diagnosed with terminal cancer. The two tearfully reunited on March 4 after spending a week apart to have various treatments.
Tommy Hoag underwent a kidney transplant when he was just 6.
Reuters: Health News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has chosen Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a conservative health policy expert with deep ties to the pharmaceutical industry, to lead the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a White House official said on Friday.

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